
how to become a lich


The release might be here, but it's neutered until more necromancer levels are released...making the release somewhat pointless.

~Toggle on Lvl 10 skill, gains I think 3 charges per round. 10 to transform
~Transform at 1 HP
~Increases HP to around 194
~Mana Shield, where damage comes out of MP at 1.5 conversion until MP is gone, then HP again
~Spellcaster Lean- Darkness spells boosted to 1.674, fire and ice spells boosted to 1.424. This is pointless, as your LIFE is now your MP.
~Fragile Immunity
~Healing HP, heals MP instead.
~Purple Raining..does not work. After first turn, your HP goes back to 194.
~Winning battle, next battle you start at 194 HP even if you full heal.
~Cannot switch out of the armor the same battle you transformed. If you start the next battle in it, you can change armors. Can't change back. I think that's the idea, though.
~The normal attack is VERY weak, but looks to inflict bleed. The weak attack is literally like teens and 20's in damage. It's as if it's a Lvl 10 armor.
~Does not inflict bleed using 100proc
~Essence of carnage + 100 proc best way to regen MP, in order to stay alive. The 1.5 MP damage conversion too much even for essence of carnage MP heal.. Most monsters are going to blow you up
~Lich form only lasts 3 battles, but you're not going to want to be in it.

~Bug where monsters cant die. No damage being done to L 110 Icecat(2) even from my guests/pets. Damage shown, but not actually removed from the monster. Not always the case, but happens.

Unless the abilities/skills that we have not obtained yet are all crazy nukes, this seems like the weakest thing rolled out in years. I might be missing something, but in playing with this for a bit, I am off the charts unimpressed.

This is not designed to fight in like normal armors. It seems it's designed to extend your chance to win a battle that you actually just lost. It's like it's your last ditch effort to win and I'm assuming there are some small "tools" to try and get you to "survive" and move onto the next battle...where you can then switch out of it...hence "Deathwalker".

You die, transform, and are given second chance to try and survive. The spellcaster lean is designed to boost spells, and it looks as though the elements boosted are the same skills listed in it's abilities. Will probably do good damage, but you'll need the SP/MP. Once you survive the battle that you should have lost, you'll want to start the next battle in something else.

I know it says it's immune to the status fragile, but this thing is the definition of fragile.

Please let's not hype this idea up too much. It only extends your battle and gives you a chance to come back and win. Then next battle you hurry your butt out of it. That's it.

< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 8/8/2021 9:30:39 >

how to become a lich


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