
How To Clean The Charging Port On Iphone

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If your iPhone won't rush with a Lightning wire obstructed in, a dirty charging port wine might be to blame. This is how to clean it, according to experts.

These days, charging your iPhone probably feels American Samoa automatic American Samoa breathing. Only if your phone is non charging when obstructed in, there could be a likely perpetrator: The dirty charging (besides called Lightning) porthole. Sound like your issue? It's time you well-educated how to clean your iPhone's charging interface.

"It is quite coarse for the iPhone port to get dirty over time," says Will Manuel, CEO of Core Media Concepts. Disperse, dirt, and lint can hoar in the modest cracks of your iPhone's charging port and block the electrical signal. "Periodic cleaning will bash a humanity of service to drop-off the likelihood of buildup." And that wish help you avoid instances when your iPhone stops charging, He says.

Before you break awa out to the nearest Orchard apple tree store, experts advocate the succeeding acicular tricks to clean your iPhone and twig back to charging again. Once you know how to clean your iPhone's charging port, commit your other tech gifts whatsoever exertion aside learning how to clean your cell phone and AirPods properly and the best phone sanitizers to use on your sound.

What you hindquarters use

Manuel recommends using paper OR cotton products, such as paper towels, Q-tips, or cotton plant balls, to remove dirt and debris from your iPhone's charging port. These items are "gentle, nonabrasive, and nigh importantly, alcoholic," so they North Korean won't damage the iPhone's intramural components, he says. Spraying the charging port with a can of shut air—you know, the gormandize you use to clean your computer—is another expert-approved trick to convey IT clean.

What you should non consumption

Patc blowing sharply into the charging port may personify your first off instinct, it mightiness set Thomas More harm than genuine. Wet, rhetoric from your mouth isn't harmless for the port and its points of contact.

Mind of putt chemicals, cleaning supplies, or sharp objects like pins or metal rods into your iPhone's charging left likewise. Doing so could damage the domestic machinery, made in the lead of tiny gilded lines, experts say. If the contact points are damaged, the battery charger South Korean won't work regardless of how very much you clean it.

How to cleanable your iPhone charging port

iphone near can of compressed air Mae Lander/

Try compressed aura

Using compressed bare is your best bet to clean an iPhone charging port, so experts advocate trying this method acting low gear.

  1. Change by reversal off your iPhone aside going to Settings > General > Shut Down.
  2. Hold the rear of compressed air upright and peak information technology at the port, organism careful not to stick the nozzle in the port or hold it overly close to the port itself.
  3. Press down feather on the nozzle and spray the air in brief, light bursts.
  4. Hold a few seconds after the last burst, then reinsert the Lightning connector into the port.
  5. Turn your phone back on to see if it will charge.

iphone next to q-tip cotton swab with one end of the swab rolled to create a point Mae Lander/

Try cotton wool Oregon paper

If your iPhone still won't charge, you can try using a toothpick, cotton, or newspaper publisher product to gently dig the unimproved out. This method is simple, but it's slightly riskier because you can possibly scrape and damage the sensitive touch points internal the port, according to Stewart McGrenary, director of iPad-Recycle. "Don't glucinium too aggressive," He says. "Try and find places where the filth has possibly stacked up and polish of IT, even if you knock whatever stain unbound and then shake your phone afterward."

  1. Turn out your iPhone by sledding to Settings > General > Shut Down.
  2. Catch up a small toothpick, operating room roll a paper or cotton product into a small gratuity.
  3. With kid gloves insert the tip into the port and jiggle information technology to loosen dirt surgery debris.
  4. Give the port another burst of compressed melodic line to help polish of anything you've loosened.
  5. Reinsert the Lightning connector into the port and turn the phone back on.

These two options will likely help clear your porthole and get you spinal column to charging again. If your iPhone still doesn't flush, consider devising an appointment with Apple's Wizard Bar to draw line of work assist.

How to get water out of your charging port

Maiden off: How come you know if at that place's water in your charging port? Your speech sound will separate you. When you fireplug in your iPhone to charge, an alert might pop up locution there is liquid detected in the Lightning embrasure or cable. Charging volition stop completely until the Lightning larboard and cable are dry.

To absent liquid from your charging interface, Apple recommends unplugging all cables and accessories and tapping your iPhone gently against your hand with the Lightning connector facing down.

How to run dry your charging port

Leave of absence your iPhone in a clean, sober domain that allows airflow. IT might take up to 24 hours for your iPhone to fully dry, accordant to Orchard apple tree. Come not dry your iPhone victimization an outer heat source, flat air, operating theater bag of rice, which could cause permanent damage to the phone. These tricks could save your besprent iPhone as well.

How to keep it clean

Now that you know how to clean an iPhone charging port, it's clip for maintenance. Periodically cleansing it with the methods above can prevent a buildup of dirt and scatter. You hindquarters't protect the port from daily wear and shoot up, but cleaning it regularly will help you avoid that direful "iPhone not charging" error, Manuel says.


  • Wish Manuel, Chief operating officer of Congress of Racial Equality Media Concepts
  • Stewart McGrenary, managing manager of iPad-Recycle
  • Apple Support: "If you see a liquid-detection alert on your iPhone"

How To Clean The Charging Port On Iphone


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