Debut: Clear Valentines Day Card

Valentines Day is coming up quick, and all of your usual gift ideas have become dull and predictable. Maybe it's time to try something different that will really catch the eye of your Valentine this holiday. In this Instructable I will guide you stair by step happening how to make a great lineup that lights up a personal message that you created yourself for to a lesser degree a card from the shop would be you. Not only is this card comfortable to lay down, information technology bequeath also flummox you the incentive points of making something personal for the single you love or else of giving the same thing arsenic everyone else!!!!!

Step 1: Materials Needed

You bequeath ask:

2 pieces of card stock or construction paper

a string of 3-4 LED lights connected in parallel (you can usually find them at the dollar stash awa)

2 AA batteries

1 razor blade

1 pair of scissors grip

school paste

Glue gun with glue (Not pictured)

push switch (not delineate, you can feel them on any toy that has a "Try Me" button)

left over tissue paper from that pile of gift wrap stuff in your closet.

Step 2: Create Your Content

Using a stencil or if your a great gifted artist, draw your personal substance onto one sheet of card stock. Make sure you can see your letters particularly if you are victimization blackness theme. (Hearts are a great matter to add to your message!)

Step 3: Glue Down Tissue

Using one of your valentines favorite colors or whatever color you have laying around, cut and gum pieces of gift tissue to the back side of the paper you just cut the letters out of. (make sure to mucilage IT to the back sidelong because if you don't the letters will be backwards in the end.)

Step 4: Colligate the LED String

Connect the LED twine asynchronous to two AA batteries and the push ( a substitution can be used in situ of the push button) solder the connections if you are comfortable doing so, if not electric tape should comprise fine. Test and retest the connections by push the push to make sure they are good. The connector is good if the LED string turns connected.

If you wear't have the push button, you don't have to connect the batteries at this fourth dimension.

Step 5: Drag LED String Through the Card

Poke a battery shrew-sized cakehole in the bottom corner of the card and with kid gloves pull the LED string and batteries through the yap. leave the push button complete the hole. The button should stick pretty echt because it's bigger than the hole you made for the batteries. you can paint the button or put a ticker sticker thereon so information technology doesn't say Endeavour ME.

If you don't deliver a push button, you can bleed the empiricist philosophy and damaging leads out the sidelong of the circuit board and not worry about the kettle of fish at all.

Step 6: Secure the LED String and Batteries

Using a hot glue gun, secure the batteries to the bottom of the second piece of card stock, send the LEDs by the piece in the best places to light up your message. try out the LEDs at this time righteous just in case you have to hole them.

If you don't have the button, retributory secure the LEDs in the best places to light up your message and run the irrefutable and negative leads out the side of the card

Place the card with your message connected IT over the card with the LEDs and hot glue the two cards together sandwiching the batteries and LEDs between the cards.

Ill-trea 7: You Are Finished!!!

Congratulations you have now finished your clear valentines day card with a very personal message for your valentine!!! Today go and enjoy all the hugs and kisses you will bring after you give this of import personalized talent.

The button-less plug-in can be lit with a simple electric battery pack. (An LED uses 2-5 volts so two or trey batteries asynchronous will work great.)

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