
How to download Windows Phone apps using this QR generator for Google Chrome

Before this year, I wrote a tip for those using Google Chrome equally their master web browser. Although Microsoft'south Edge is getting extension support after this yr, including the porting of Chrome extensions, Chrome has them right at present.

The extension that I am talking about simply auto-generates a localized QR code in the Windows Telephone Store. Withal, Microsoft recently unified the Store and as a result, the extension broke. Today, however, it is updated and works flawlessly.

Why apply information technology?

We get a lot of "why do you lot need this" questions about this tool, then I'll explain why it is dainty to have:

  1. Sometimes apps are non yet searchable in the Store if they are very new; this lets you lot rapidly download an app from your desktop
  2. Options are useful for users as anybody has their circumstances
  3. Information technology saves you time. Instead of reading nigh an app and then having to search the Store, you can go right to information technology past scanning

You may have your reasons. However, I know many of u.s.a. here on staff employ this because nosotros often observe apps very early on.

How 'Windows Phone Store QR' works

In Chrome just browse to the Google Chrome Store using the link below.

Download Windows Telephone Store QR from the Chrome Web Shop – Free

  1. Choose Add to Chrome
  2. Navigate to the Microsoft Store http://( and yous should see a QR generated under the app proper noun.

Y'all can then use the built-in QR reader

  1. Open Lumia Photographic camera
  2. Tap the cog at the lesser right (Settings)
  3. Lenses
  4. Bing Vision

Alternatively, you could use one of the dozens of QR code readers on the Store. You can read our 'all-time of' QR code readers below for some ideas or share yours in comments!

Top ways to snap that QR lawmaking on Windows Telephone

In case you lot are wondering why this extension has not gone to Opera or Firefox, the programmer, George Schizas, chimed in on the thing on a Reddit thread:

"Before asking for a Firefox extension (or a Safari extension, or an Opera extension), know that I had made a Firefox extension, but Mozilla rejected it, later on pondering about it for a very long time, so I'one thousand not eager to repeat that experience."

Let us know if you'll use this trick in comments. Fifty-fifty better is knowing that this could be ported to Microsoft Edge in just a few months!

Via: Reddit

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