
Love A State of Trance? EnTrance is the best way to experience it on Windows Phone

Entrance for Windows Phone 8

There are a handful of developers in the Window Phone community who consistently push out quality apps into the ecosystem. Equally users, nosotros're thankful to see them anytime they come out. Den Delimarsky is one of those developers. Nosotros've all been big fans of his Digitally Imported customer Beem and his SKY.FM client. Information technology's no undercover he likes EDM, so he'south created an app dedicated to one of the best trance shows. Archway is his latest app for the A Land of Trance podcast. Let's check it out.

Armin van Buuren is a Dutch trance music producer and DJ. In 2001 he started hosting a weekly radio evidence called A State of Trance ( That program now claims over 20 million weekly listeners worldwide. You could simply get the program through the podcast support in Xbox Music on your phone. But if yous're a big fan of the programme EnTrance brings some features to the table yous won't get with the regular podcast app.

With EnTrance for Windows Telephone you have the ability to download episodes in a beautiful UI. Download an episode and you'll see what I mean (meet the epitome below). It's absolutely absurd. Feature wise, you're looking at the power to download episodes for offline play. You're also able to view rail listings from within an episode and search for them in Xbox Music, Nokia Music, or YouTube. That's something you can't practice in with the native podcast app on Windows Telephone.

Entrance for Windows Phone 8
The download screen for EnTrance

This is just the first version of Entrance. Den has big plans for the app in hereafter updates. Some features you'll be familiar with if you're a Beem user. Hither's what's coming in a future update:

  • Upload to SkyDrive – what if yous like an episode then much that you want to take it stored on your machine equally well? Simply push it to SkyDrive and the deed is done – once your PC(southward) sync the changes, y'all volition detect the episode in your folder.
  • Push Notifications – become alerts when new ASOT episodes are released and when new rail information is bachelor.
  • ASOT Full Show Integration – other than the podcast, every Thursday Armin van Buuren runs his ASOT radio testify. Despite the fact that the episode itself is often not available for download, it contains rail metadata. I desire to show y'all that track metadata – with the ability to find those later on Xbox Music, Nokia Music or YouTube.
  • Event Information – ASOT 650 is coming upwardly and I need to get the app ready for it.

Correct now nosotros're really digging Archway. The UI is cute and the performance is solid. We're really looking forward to seeing future updates brand this app the best identify for fans of A State of Trance. Be sure to exit Den any feedback or feature requests below.

Desire EnTrance? Information technology'south available for Window Telephone 8 devices for free with no ads. It'due south also open sourced on GitHub, so if you're a developer experience gratis to check that out.

Grab the app in the Windows Phone Store, utilise the QR lawmaking below, or swipe to the right in our app.

Source: Den by Default

QR: Entrance


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